
Dear Winter, remind me why I love you so much.

Since it’s getting colder and colder in Madrid, the only thing I feel like doing is staying in my bed all day long, dreaming about Paris next Summer, watching series on my computer, drinking massive amounts of tea and Starbucks with huge amounts of cream on top and wearing extremely comfy clothes. And, of course, feed myself on cupcakes. Sounds like a good idea to me.
P.S. – I’m trying to find a book to read during these cold days. Do you have any suggestions?

7 comentários:

Unknown disse...



Anónimo disse...

extremely good idea

Katie disse...

I freakin LOVE your blog!!!

Anónimo disse...

sounds good :) i am a harry potter nerd so i am SCREAMING harry potter- all 7 of them!!! or dan brown books, robert ludlum (spelling??) or jane austen!!

vist me! blogforandi.blogspot.com

helena disse...

The coat on the 8th pic is stunning.

Anónimo disse...

A BIBLIA! conselho do primo Luis,beijos de todos aqui a volta do pc

VâniaMoure disse...

3 metros acima do céu- federico moccia