
My week's TOP 5!

I made a promise. Actually I made two.
The first one is to go to Tomorrowland 2011 in Belgium with my best friends. The other one is that, from tomorrow on, I will really start studying and taking Uni stuff more seriously. There are only three months left, how hard can it be? I know I can do it and I'm starting to get excited about it. Three months and I'm done with studying and I can have my weekends with nothing to do back.
I have to say that my last three days were awesome. I spent them with my friends, away from Uni, and I had so much fun. But the cherry on top of my week was yesterday night, when my friends and I celebrated my best friend Mariana's birthday! It was insaneee! We first had dinner all together and then we went to ISCTE (her Uni)  to one of the wildest parties of the year. We had so much fun! We listened to such good music and we danced all night. I really missed it. Since some of my greatest friends are done with Uni, and they have already started working, I only see them once or twice a week. So, whenever we are together, it's really intense and it's a big relief from the week we had. I just love all of them.
It started raining today, so I spent my entire afternoon putting my Winter clothes in my chariot. My bedroom looks even cozier. Now I need to plan next week but first I leave you with my week's top 5! Enjoy!

Some Pão de Deus I brought home from my favorite bakery in the entire world, A Padaria Portuguesa. They are sooo good.

My chariot filled with my comfy Winter clothes. What a great way to spend a rainy Sunday afternoon.

My Chanel nail polish collection that I started using as decoration in one of my shelves.

I finally got rid of my old big computer, so now I have much more space in my desk!

The party of the year.


10 comentários:

Aida disse...

Loved it!! What a closet and the nailcolors are amazing!


mteresalucas disse...

o teu quarto é mesmo um sonho , acho que vou fazer como tu e organizar as roupinhas da estação :)



Rafael disse...

Gostei muito do teu blog, continua assim, beijinhos

Paula Taveira disse...

há ali uns sapatinhos que enchem o olho.

Catarina F Pinto disse...

chariot <3 (sigo-te no bloglovin :D)


Artur disse...

Estiveste na festa do ISCTE? Eu também... Pena não nos termos visto. ;)

Micael Dourado disse...

Gosto imenso disto Rita, ficou-me na cabeça a fotografia dos vernizes e das Vogues. :) Beijinho


Micael Dourado disse...

Acho que me enganei e meti um blog que não é o meu no comentário que fiz acima, fail.


joana disse...

love it!!


Patrícia disse...

As festas do ISCTE são sempre as melhores ;)
Os vernizes da Chanel são uma tentação! Gosto bastante da tua camisola de renda.
